Overcoming the Fears of Global Investment

By Peter Pang, Partner, Aliant Shanghai and Oliver Laurence, Director, I-OnAsia London. Everyday thousands of business transactions take place worldwide. People are buying, selling, investing, and sponsoring different size companies in every known sector. From the technology sector, to automotive, clothing and manufacturing sectors, to name just a few. Each for various sums of money, which can amount into the billions, and all contain varying levels of risk associated with each of them. […]

Acquiring a Nordic Business

By Tuomo Kauttu, Partner, Aliant Finland From a global point of view, Europe seems to be a puzzle whose pieces are difficult to put together and which are constantly changing, sometimes disappearing altogether. This view applies not only to business executives who think in terms of markets but to lawyers as well who are supposed to think in terms of jurisdictions. In the Nordic region, there are countries that are members of the European Union (“EU”) and countries that are non-EU members. Among the Nordic EU member states, Finland is the only country that is also a member of the European Economic Monetary Union (EMU), while Sweden and Denmark are non-euro EU members, and Norway and Iceland are neither EU nor EMU members. [...]

Recent News from Aliant

Webinar on Doing Business in Finland - Perspectives on Culture, Values & Getting the Deal Through. Tuomo Kauttu of Aliant Finland shares his insights on cross-border transactions in Finland.

Aliant Finland hosted two meetings in March: Annual Meeting of the Finnish-Canadian Business Council and board meeting of Helsinki region Chamber of Commerce [...]