Recent changes to Finnish labour legislation due to COVID-19
In addition to the Emergency Powers Act, The Finnish government has reacted to the situation by submitting several temporary changes to legislation. The amendments to the Employment Contracts Act, the Maritime Employment Contracts Act, and the Act on Co-operation in … Read the rest
Saksan perustuslakituomioistuimen päätös – Euroopan keskuspankki on ylittänyt toimivaltansa
COVID-19: We are your resource
Aliant expresses its appreciation to all those who are on the front lines fighting to contain this outbreak, care for its victims, and maintain civic life. We express our sympathy and hope for the speedy recovery of those who have already been directly affected by the virus [...]
Recent News from Aliant
Aliant Finland hosted two meetings in March: Annual Meeting of the Finnish-Canadian Business Council and board meeting of Helsinki region Chamber of Commerce [...]
Managing Cross Border Risk
Recent News from Aliant
Redistributing Share Capital
Considerations for family-owned enterprises. Finnish section of the publication by Aliant Finland.
According to the World Bank, there are more than 160 million privately-owned small and medium-sized enterprises in the world employing more than 500 million people.
Many of … Read the rest
KV-verosuunnittelu. Hallituksen esitys 31.10.2019
Rajat ylittävien verosuunnittelujärjestelyjen raportointivelvollisuutta koskevan direktiivin (EU) 2018/822 (DAC 6) hallituksen esitys on annettu 31.10.2019 eduskunnan käsiteltäväksi
Veronkierto ei ole enää nykypäivän globaalissa markkinataloudessa pelkästään kansallinen ilmiö, vaan osa laajaa rajojen yli ulottuvaa toimintaa, johon eri maiden viranomaisilla sekä kansainvälisillä … Read the rest