Benefit Corporations: Italy and France pioneers in Europe

“Benefit Corporation” on uusi yhtiömuoto, jossa voittoa tavoittelevaan liiketoimintaan yhdistyy ympäristö- ja/tai yhteiskuntavastuu. Euroopassa Italia ja Ranska ovat edelläkävijöitä uusia yhtiömuotoja koskevien yhtiölakien säätämisessä. Jo aiemmin vastaavia yhtiömuotoja koskevia lakeja on säädetty mm. Yhdysvalloissa.

Benefit corporations represent a new business … Read the rest

Navigating Real Estate in a Post-Covid Market: 5 Countries Perspectives – Webinar update

As the pandemic has affected various economic sectors, including commercial real estate market, Aliant webinar held in December 14th, 2021 provided for an excellent opportunity to discover the different perspectives of the industry from 5 countries and 6 Aliant attorneys.… Read the rest

BENEFIT CORPORATIONS: The Italian Experience

By Alessandro Grangiotti, Partner, Aliant Italy and Mariangela Zito, Partner, Aliant Italy. Italy is the first European country inspired by the American legislative initiative of 2010 to introduce with the 2016 Budget Law a similar business model into their legal system: the so called Società Benefit (SB), that integrates the profit-oriented economic activity with the purpose of common benefit producing in the long-term positive effects on territories and the environment, people, communities and other stakeholders, and several successful experiences can now be counted. […]