Newsletter Summer 2022

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As we discussed the Renewable Energy Directive few months ago, further Green Deal steps are being taken. Accordingly, technology companies have an essential role in realizing such policy goals by developing clean technologies. Most recently, EU has approved new rules … Read the rest
By Timothy Mills, Aliant USA, edited by John Wolfs, Aliant Netherlands.
As counsellors of businesses throughout the United States, Europe and Asia, and as long-standing practitioners of international economic sanctions law, the attorneys of Aliant International … Read the rest
Saksalainen monikansallinen teknologiayritys Bosch osti brittiläisen itseohjautuvien autojen ohjelmiston kehittelyyn erikoistuvan Five AI -yrityksen, jonka tavoitteena on ollut ajoturvallisuuden lisääminen ratkaisemalla itseohjautuvien autojen toimintaan liittyviä ongelmia. Yrityskauppa odottaa kilpailuviranomaisten hyväksyntää. Lisäksi kauppa herättää uusia oikeudellisia kysymyksiä sekä sopimustekniikan että lainsäädännön … Read the rest
Today a filming crew visited our Aliant Finland office. Stay tuned for Tuomo’s interview published this summer!… Read the rest
By Timothy Mills, Aliant USA. The crisis in Ukraine has brought many different questions to the legal world, the largest being concerns the position of non-sanctioned businesses with regards to the sanctions imposed on Russia. To answer these questions we present to … Read the rest
The shortest connection from Europe to Asia is flight from Helsinki to various capitals in Asia. This is due to Helsinki location in the North that enables northern route as well as the right to the use of Russian airspace. … Read the rest