Tag: aliant law
Overcoming the Fears of Global Investment
Compulsory Mediation – A way forward during the pandemic
Press Release: Panamanian Law Firm Joins Aliant

The 5th Annual Aliant® Conference took place on October 21st – 23rd. Both, the program and the most advanced virtual technology were well organized. Special thanks to Jacob Stein and Alysia Leigh Camp who made this unique Aliant Annual Conference … Read the rest
COVID-19: We are your resource
Aliant expresses its appreciation to all those who are on the front lines fighting to contain this outbreak, care for its victims, and maintain civic life. We express our sympathy and hope for the speedy recovery of those who have already been directly affected by the virus [...]
Recent News from Aliant
Aliant Finland hosted two meetings in March: Annual Meeting of the Finnish-Canadian Business Council and board meeting of Helsinki region Chamber of Commerce [...]
Recent News from Aliant
Tokyo, May 8-10, 2019
Last week Tuomo Kauttu had a meeting with colleagues at Kuroda Law offices regarding actual cross-border transaction between a Japanese company and a Finnish company. Following said meeting, Tuomo Kauttu participated IR Global Conference at the Ritz-Carlton, Tokyo.
USA Road Show – kiertueen ensimmäinen tapahtuma Turussa – USA Road Show began in Turku
Ensimmäinen tapahtuma järjestettiin Turussa 9.4.2019, jossa Tuomo Kauttu piti puheen siitä, mitä pitää ottaa huomioon juridisesta näkökulmasta yrityksen tähdätessä USA:n markkinoille.
USA Road Show – kiertue järjestetään tänä vuonna Ulkoministeriön toimesta yhdessä USA:n Suomen suurlähetystön ja Business Finlandin kanssa. Kiertueen … Read the rest