We are proud to announce that on December 9th, Tuomo Kauttu, partner of Aliant and the head of Aliant Finland, has been elected as the representative of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Finland delegation!
ICC Finland delegation is the highest decision-making body of the association. Delegation members are mostly business executives, typically CEOs or chairs of large companies, representing various business sectors. They are elected for a one-year term in the autumn meeting. Delegation can set up committees and other institutions necessary for the operation of ICC Finland, if necessary, confirm their management rules. Delegation is composed of chairperson, two vice-chairpersons and delegation members of the ICC Finland.
Tuomo is also a long-standing member of the ICC Commercial Law and Practice committee and Global Intellectual Property committee.
ICC is the world business organization representing around 45 million companies in more than 100 countries. It is an important neutral actor in the business world, portraying different industries and companies of all sizes. ICC strives for healthy competition, good business practices and processes, fair global business environment, as well as promotion of responsibility and entrepreneurship.
Finland joined ICC in February 21, 1927 when the Finnish Bank Association, the Finnish Wood Processing Industry Association, the Finnish Industrial Association, the Finnish Wholesalers’ Association and the Central Chamber of Commerce founded the Finnish National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce and elected Dr. JK Paasikivi as the first chairman. Since that, 151 members – both key business organizations and key companies involved in international trade and service companies have joined the association. Such global business network allows companies, regardless of their industry, to participate and get up-to-date information on the development of markets and their regulation beyond the EU.
ICC Finland is engaged in conveying the statements and initiatives from Finnish business life into recommendations, instructions and regulations that are brought to the attention of Finnish authorities to benefit both the members of the association as well as the business environment. ICC offers consulting and training services to its members together with providing solution-oriented actions to societal and business problems.
ICC priority areas include
- International trade and investments
- Taxation
- Environment, climate and energy
- Competition
- Customs clearance and trade procedures
- Export funding and payment methods
- Trade practices and agreements
- Dispute settlement and arbitration
- E-business
- Intellectual property rights
- Corporate responsibility and prevention of corruption
- Advertising and marketing
And the agenda for year 2023 includes enabling global trade, promotion of digital economy and trade, responsibility and climate actions together with strengthening of multilateral cooperation.